This game is adapted from a well-known game show. It uses a playful approach to swiftly generate meaningful and rewarding prompts for self-evaluation which are then explored in further depth.
The overall purpose of this game is for evaluation of success to become a positive, joint and reflective experience for teachers and team leaders/managers. It is designed to challenge negative attitudes towards evaluation processes and to also create circular processes that capture all aspects of success (not just those thought to be important by managers) and explicitly link self-evaluation with change and improvement.
It fits into the ACT change model Step 2 – Agreed Outcomes and Step 5 – Evaluation.
Full instructions for the game and all needed assets are here:
Instructional design
The primary desired change is “Evaluation is prioritised as a circular, continuous, and positive process.” which falls under the ACT priority area Evaluating Success and also Capturing and representing diverse perspectives on what needs to change and how.
Instructional design focussed primary on identification and labelling of concepts which are then explored through communal discovery. Fun was a core design goal to increase engagement and reward which helps to achieve the ILOs (below). The game was also designed to be somewhat flexible so that it can fit into individual school’s existing procedures for self-evaluation.
The form taken combines creative cognitive engagement with a more relaxed reflection with the option for guidance, collaboration, and communal discovery.
Intended Learning Outcomes
- Evaluation of success becomes a positive, joint and reflective experience for teachers and team leaders/managers
- Management prioritises a continuous evaluation process
- Players have a positive experience of evaluation of school performance in a non-competitive format
Desired Learning Behaviours
- Unselfconscious generation of a diverse range of success indicators
- Positive, communal reflection and development of ideas for change
All of the other ACT games can be accessed (when ready) from this page: ACT Minigames