What is the ACToolkit?
The award-winning Agents of Change toolkit (ACToolkit) was developed in 2020 in a project funded by The Scottish Universities Insight Institute as part of the UN Global Goals Programme which helps accelerate progress towards achieving the goals in Scotland.
ACToolkit was designed by professionals from primary and secondary schools in Scotland, staff from Edinburgh Council and Learning for Sustainability (LfS) Scotland, educationalists and game-based learning experts from the Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee, the Glasgow School of Art, and international experts.
ACToolkit is designed to help educators:
- a) build SDG-related improvements into their local plans;
- b) identify relevant expertise and work with other players within and beyond schools to implement change projects; and
- c) evaluate the impact of change processes and outcomes.
The toolkit encourages users to think globally, but ACT locally to address challenges specific to their schools or organisations. It focuses on areas of change such as Covid renewal, inclusion and equality, migrant integration, and sustainability, but also invites staff to design any change projects relevant to their schools and communities. It is an accessible and practical toolkit for schools to engage with change projects around the SDGs through minigames and playful activities that facilitate whole-school approaches, initiated by individuals or groups of staff and students.